Look into your eyes Hamda A Novel in Arabic Written by Amna Almansoori Third Edition 2007 This story is about Hamda, a girl who was born into a traditional family in the UAE and is favoured less than her brothers especially by her father. This is not because they are better than her in any way but just because they are BOYS. Since the ages of ten questions have sprung from everything happening around her and eventually she finds the answers in her uncle's house. The answer is his huge range of books and the key word is READ! "Dear Hamda, our soul is like the clouds and books are the sea, the more you read the more vapour will quench your soul until it becomes rainy and full of life, " Hamda's uncle says As Hamda starts to read and begins to find herself the clouds become heavy and it is time to rain. "Like the clouds, every soul will choose a land to rain on its space, some people choose musical notes, some choose the easel and some just choose paper and pen...